COVID-19 Office Protocols & Updates

In an effort to minimize community spread & potential exposure and to better comply with social distancing recommendations, East Haven Pediatrics is taking every action possible to protect our patients, our staff and the community from COVID-19 and has made significant changes. The implemented changes are listed below; Please be sure to read them so you are aware of these new changes.
During these unsettling times, We want to assure you that we are here for you, for all of our patients and their families. We are OPEN! Prepared to continue providing safe and excellent care of your child’s healthcare needs. We have dedicated providers to monitor the constantly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. Please do not hesitate to give us a call if you have questions or need our services.
Office Protocols
Masks are required on all who enter the office (exception for children under 2 years)
Cover your cough, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and stay home if you are sick.
Remember- Hand-washing is key to protect yourself and others from the spread of illness.
Our waiting room is closed. Please call us from our parking lot when you arrive. You will wait in your car until we let you know when it is safe to enter.
Only 1 family will be allowed at the front desk at a time to check in or out.
Picking up documents, please call us from the parking lot when you arrive.
Areas are cleaned per CDC guidelines.
Scheduling Appointments will be still be triaged by our Medical Assistants with the help from our Physician and Nurse Practitioners.
If patients are suspected to be exposed to a COVID positive person or have any COVID like symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, body aches), these patients will be seen in your parked car or through our video-telemedicine service (subject to change per insurance coverage rulings).
COVID LIKE SYMPTOMS VISITS (fever, cough, difficulty breathing,body aches)
- You will be seen in your parked car. You need to park behind the building in our designated Staff parking lot (near the sign).
- Call us when you arrive.
- Please unbuckle child from car seat and wear your masks.
- Our providers will come to you when they are notified.
- You will be seen in the office.
- Have a healthy parent/guardian accompany patients to the office. Stay home if you are not feeling well.
- Limited number of people accompanying the patient into the exam room to 1 adult. (Exceptions- other sibling is also sick or if the patient is under 4 months of age, then both parents can accompany the child to the exam room).
- Masks are to be worn at all times as stated above.
- Wash your hands or use the sanitizer gel.
Key Facts About COVID-19
- COVID-19 is a viral illness and symptoms range from mild to severe and are generally fever, cough and difficulty breathing. COVID-19 is spread person to person, through respiratory droplets and community spread. ALL suspected cases are being referred to the state public health department for instruction and The CT Department of Public Health can be reached
by calling 860-509-7995 or calling 211. - What to Look for In a Summer Camp During COVID-19
https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-play/Pages/What-to-Look-for-In-a-Summer-Camp-COVID-19.aspx - What To Do if You Are Sick: Steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html\ - 10 ways to manage respiratory symptoms at home