Billing and Insurance

Financial Policies
Thank you for choosing East Haven Pediatrics PC for your child's pediatric care. We are committed to provide quality and affordable health care. Our responsibility is to keep you informed of our financial polices and any changes.Your responsibility is be familiar with your healthcare coverage benefits, keep us informed of your current policies and notify of any changes that may occur during the year. Please feel free to speak with our billing person if you have any questions or concerns.
- We participate with most insurance plans: Anthem, BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, Connecticare (Passage plan- we are out of network), Medicaid Husky, Multiplan, Oxford, United Healthcare,and Tricare.
- If your child/children are insured with a participating plan, you must bring a valid insurance card to every appointment.
- If your child/children have more than one insurance, you must bring a copy of all valid insurance cards and fill out an updated Insurance document with full subscribers name, address and date of birth so we may bill correctly.
- We will scan the cards into our Electronic health system for our billing reference.
- Failure to provide up to date insurance information at the time of the visit may result in patient responsibility for the entire bill.
- You are responsible for all co-insurances, deductibles, denied claims and non-covered services. Our billing department will send a bill for any balance owed after submitting the claim to your insurance.
- You are responsible to inform our office when coverage becomes reinstated and effective again. We can re-bill correctly and in a timely manner. Because most insurance companies only allow 120 days after the visit to reimburse the physicians, please call ASAP.
- When insurance coverage is reinstated, East Haven Pediatrics will reimburse the patient upon receipt of payment from the patient's insurance carrier.
- If you are required to have a Primary Physician Provider (PCP) with your carrier, please be sure to list Dr. Shi Jen Cheng, Jessica Ricciardelli, or Cindy Jayanetti so that your claims will be processed correctly. This is just for administrative purposes and does not hinder you from choosing to see any provider in our practice.
- Please direct any insurance or invoice questions to our billing manager by calling (203) 469-8882 during regular office hours. You can choose to leave a voice message if you prefer, and your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
All copays are due at the time of the visit. An additional $20 fee will be added if we must bill you for your copayment.
It is your responsibility to know if any copays are due and be prepared to pay at the time of the visit.
If patient is brought in by any person other than the legal guardian/parent for a sick visit, please be sure to call with the payment information prior to the time of visit.
- If you do not have active coverage with a participating insurance plan, payment is required in full, at the time of the visit.
- Active coverage is defined as you are listed as eligible and insurance policy is current on the paying insurance website.
- If your Medicaid policy is not active & ineligible on the DSS (Department of Social Services) website, you will need to call Husky to update the system before the visit. You will have the option to reschedule or pay for the visit and be reimbursed when you notify the office you have been reinstated on the DSS website.
- If you have a Access Health letter stating you are listed eligible for the date of service, please bring in the entire letter, so we can get a temporary ID from Health Access. This is not a guarantee of services.
- Newborn coverage in the application process to be covered is not subject to this policy for the first 29 days. At the 1st month well visit, active coverage will be required.
Additional Fees
Visits outside of normal business hours, on weekends, or on holidays may incur an after-hour fee by your insurance. These fees are covered by some insurance plans, but may be put to patient balance. Please verify with your insurance prior to making these types of appointments.
All returned checks will incur an additional fee of $20.
Missed Appointments
If you are unable to keep your appointment, we ask that you notify our office 24 hours in advance. We reserve the right to charge a fee for no-show appointments.
East Haven Pediatrics accepts cash, money orders, checks or Visa/MasterCard/Discover debit and credit cards for payment.
Patients are responsible at the time of each visit for any co-payments, past deductibles, co-insurance or any balance not covered by the patient's insurance. Full payment is expected.
Unless other arrangements have been made with our billing department, all mailed bills are due within 30 days of receipt. If you are having financial difficulty, please contact our billing department to set up a payment plan.
Your insurance plan may require an office visit with us before seeing a specialist. Please allow three (3) business days for referrals to be completed. We cannot initiate a referral after you have seen a specialist.
You are encouraged to contact us if you have additional questions or concerns about our practice. Our physicians and staff look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the health and well-being of your family.